Metroplex Model Mania
All Halter Original Finish Plastic One Day Show
Frequently Asked Questions
What size tables are available?
We will have 6 foot tables.
Will you offer dollar buy-ins?
OF COURSE! No ponies left behind :)
Are you willing to split classes?
Judges may choose to split a class.
Can I make a donation to the show?
Donations are always welcome. If you would like to sponsor a class, section or division you may do so using the entry form. If you would like to make a raffle donation please contact me directly.
Why is this show only for Original Finish models?
I'm new to this and don't want to completely fail my first round and never do it again.
Will there be a raffle?
Yes, we will draw for the raffle between 3PM & 5PM.
Where should I show my vanner?
Outside of the Breyer RR and Breyer LR divisions all Vanners should go into the OTHER PURE class.
Will masks or vaccine status be required?
At this time, no. If this changes I will contact showers.